[something that is the force behind or reason for something else]
[something that is the force behind or reason for something else]
Walking, Listening, Soundmaking
Edited by Elena Biserna
__________________________________The Life of Lines
Tim Ingold
Rebecca Solnit
Walking as Research
Special Issue WARP x Soapbox Journal
Witches, Witch-Hunting and Women
Silvia Federici
Tim Ingold
Staying with the Trouble
Making Kin in the Chtulucene
Donna Haraway
Re-enchating The World
Silvia Federici
A research Method in Art & Design
Published by KABK lectorate design
Ways of Walking
Ethnography and practice on foot
Edited by Tim Ingold and Jo Lee Vergunst
A wild ride through land use, politics and art in the changing west
Lucy Lippard
The Lure of the Local
Lucy Lippard